Source code for l3py.gravityfield

# Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Kvas
# See LICENSE for copyright/license details.

Representations of Earth's gravity field.

import numpy as np
import l3py.grid
import l3py.kernel
from l3py.utilities import legendre_functions

def degree_indices(n):
    Return array indices for all coeffcients of degree n.

    The coefficients are ordered by trigonometric function (first all cosine coefficients then all sine coefficients)
    with increasing order.

    n : int

    rows : array_like(k,)
        row indices of all coefficients of degree n
    columns : array_like(k,)
        column indices of all coefficients of degree n

    rows = np.concatenate((np.full(n + 1, n, dtype=int), np.arange(n, dtype=int)))
    columns = np.concatenate((np.arange(n + 1, dtype=int), np.full(n, n, dtype=int)))

    return rows, columns

def order_indices(maximum_degree, m):
    Return array indices for all coeffcients of order m.

    The coefficients are ordered by trigonometric function (first all cosine coefficients then all sine coefficients)
    with increasing degree.

    maximum_degree : int
        maximum degree of target coefficient array

    m : int

    rows : array_like(k,)
        row indices of all coefficients of order m
    columns : array_like(k,)
        column indices of all coefficients of order m

    rows = np.arange(m, maximum_degree + 1, dtype=int)
    columns = np.full(rows.size, m)

    if m > 0:
        rows = np.concatenate((rows, np.full(maximum_degree + 1 - m, m - 1)))
        columns = np.concatenate((columns, np.arange(m, maximum_degree + 1, dtype=int)))

    return rows, columns

[docs]class PotentialCoefficients: """ Class representation of a set of (possibly time stamped) potential coefficients. Parameters ---------- GM : float geocentric gravitational constant R : float reference radius """ def __init__(self, GM=3.9860044150e+14, R=6.3781363000e+06): self.GM = GM self.R = R self.anm = np.zeros((0, 0)) self.epoch = None
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a deep copy of the PotentialCoefficients instance.""" gf = PotentialCoefficients(self.GM, self.R) gf.anm = self.anm.copy() gf.epoch = self.epoch return gf
[docs] def slice(self, min_degree=None, max_degree=None, min_order=None, max_order=None, step_degree=1, step_order=1): """ Slice a PotentialCoefficients instance to a specific degree and order range. Return value is a new PotentialCoefficients instance, the original gravity field is unchanged. Parameters ---------- min_degree : int minimum degree of sliced PotentialCoefficients (Default: 0) max_degree : int maximum degree of sliced PotentialCoefficients (Default: maximum degree if calling object) min_order : int minimum order of sliced PotentialCoefficients (Default: 0) max_order : int maximum order of sliced PotentialCoefficients (Default: max_degree) step_degree : int step between min_degree and max_degree (Default: 1) step_order : int step between min_order and max_order (Default: 1) Returns ------- gravityfield : PotentialCoefficients new PotentialCoefficients instance with all coefficients outside of the passed degree and order ranges set to zero """ min_degree = 0 if min_degree is None else min_degree max_degree = self.nmax() if max_degree is None else max_degree min_order = 0 if min_order is None else min_order max_order = max_degree if max_order is None else max_order idx_degree = np.isin(self.__degree_array(), range(min_degree, max_degree + 1, step_degree)) idx_order = np.isin(self.__order_array(), range(min_order, max_order + 1, step_order)) gf = PotentialCoefficients(self.GM, self.R) gf.epoch = self.epoch gf.anm = np.zeros(self.anm.shape) gf.anm[np.logical_and(idx_degree, idx_order)] = self.anm[np.logical_and(idx_degree, idx_order)].copy() gf.truncate(max_degree) return gf
[docs] def append(self, trigonometric_function, degree, order, value): """Append a coefficient to a PotentialCoefficients instance.""" if degree > self.nmax(): tmp = np.zeros((degree+1, degree+1)) tmp[0:self.anm.shape[0], 0:self.anm.shape[1]] = self.anm.copy() self.anm = tmp if trigonometric_function in ('c', 'cos', 'cosine'): self.anm[degree, order] = value elif trigonometric_function in ('s', 'sin', 'sine') and order > 0: self.anm[order-1, degree] = value
[docs] def truncate(self, nmax): """Truncate a PotentialCoefficients instance to a new maximum spherical harmonic degree.""" if nmax < self.nmax(): self.anm = self.anm[0:nmax+1, 0:nmax+1]
[docs] def replace_c20(self, gravityfield): """ Replace the c20 coefficient of a PotentialCoefficients instance by c20 of another PotentialCoefficients instance. Substitution is performed in-place. Parameters ---------- gravityfield : PotentialCoefficients instance gravity field containing the new c20 value """ self.anm[2, 0] = gravityfield.anm[2, 0]
def __degree_array(self): """Return degrees of all coefficients as numpy array""" da = np.zeros(self.anm.shape, dtype=int) for n in range(self.nmax()+1): da[n, 0:n+1] = n da[0:n, n] = n return da def __order_array(self): """Return orders of all coefficients as numpy array""" da = np.zeros(self.anm.shape, dtype=int) for m in range(1, self.nmax()+1): da[m - 1, m::] = m da[m::, m] = m return da
[docs] def nmax(self): """Return maximum spherical harmonic degree of a PotentialCoefficients instance.""" return self.anm.shape[0]-1
def __add__(self, other): """Coefficient-wise addition of two PotentialCoefficients instances.""" if not isinstance(other, PotentialCoefficients): raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for +: '"+str(type(self))+"' and '"+str(type(other))+"'") factor = (other.R / self.R) ** other.__degree_array() * (other.GM / self.GM) if self.nmax() >= other.nmax(): result = self.copy() result.anm[0:other.anm.shape[0], 0:other.anm.shape[1]] += (other.anm*factor) else: result = PotentialCoefficients(self.GM, self.R) result.epoch = self.epoch result.anm = other.anm*factor result.anm[0:self.anm.shape[0], 0:self.anm.shape[1]] += self.anm return result def __sub__(self, other): """Coefficient-wise subtraction of two PotentialCoefficients instances.""" if not isinstance(other, PotentialCoefficients): raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for -: '"+str(type(self))+"' and '"+str(type(other))+"'") return self+(other*-1) def __mul__(self, other): """Multiplication of a PotentialCoefficients instance with a numeric scalar.""" if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for *: '"+str(type(self))+"' and '"+str(type(other))+"'") result = self.copy() result.anm *= other return result def __truediv__(self, other): """Division of a PotentialCoefficients instance by a numeric scalar.""" if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise TypeError("unsupported operand type(s) for /: '"+str(type(self))+"' and '"+str(type(other))+"'") return self*(1.0/other)
[docs] def degree_amplitudes(self, kernel='potential'): """ Compute degree amplitudes from potential coefficients. Parameters ---------- kernel : string name of kernel for the degree amplitude computation Returns ------- degrees : array_like shape (self.nmax()+1,) integer sequence of degrees amplitudes : array_like shape (self.nmax()+1,) computed degree amplitudes """ degrees = np.arange(self.nmax()+1) amplitudes = np.zeros(degrees.size) kn = l3py.kernel.get_kernel(kernel, self.nmax()) for n in degrees: amplitudes[n] = np.sum(self.anm[l3py.gravityfield.degree_indices(n)]**2)***2 return degrees, np.sqrt(amplitudes)*self.GM/self.R
[docs] def coefficient_triangle(self, min_degree=2, max_degree=None): """ Arrange spherical harmonic coefficients as triangle for visualization. Parameters ---------- min_degree : int degrees below min_degree are masked out max_degree : int triangle is truncated at max_degree Returns ------- triangle : masked_array shape (max_degree+1, 2*max_degree-1) """ max_degree = self.nmax() if max_degree is None else max_degree triangle = np.hstack((np.rot90(self.anm, -1), self.anm)) mask = np.hstack((np.rot90(np.tril(np.ones(self.anm.shape, dtype=bool)), -1), np.triu(np.ones(self.anm.shape, dtype=bool), 1))) mask[0:min_degree] = True return, mask=mask)[0:max_degree+1, :]
[docs] def to_grid(self, grid=l3py.grid.GeographicGrid(), kernel='ewh'): """ Compute gridded values from a set of potential coefficients. Parameters ---------- gravityfield : PotentialCoefficients instance potential coefficients to be gridded grid : instance of Grid subclass point distribution (Default: 0.5x0.5 degree geographic grid) kernel : string gravity field functional to be gridded (Default: equivalent water height). See Kernel for details. Returns ------- output_grid : instance of type(grid) deep copy of the input grid with the gridded values """ inverse_coefficients = l3py.kernel.get_kernel(kernel, self.nmax()) if grid.is_regular(): gridded_values = np.zeros((grid.lats.size, grid.lons.size)) orders = np.arange(self.nmax() + 1)[:, np.newaxis] P = legendre_functions(self.nmax(), grid.colatitude()) P *= self.anm for n in range(self.nmax() + 1): row_idx, col_idx = l3py.gravityfield.degree_indices(n) continuation = np.power(self.R / grid.radius(), n + 1) kn =, grid.radius(), grid.colatitude()) CS = np.vstack((np.cos(orders[0:n+1] * grid.lons), np.sin(orders[1:n+1] * grid.lons))) gridded_values += (P[:, row_idx, col_idx] * (continuation*kn)[:, np.newaxis]) @ CS output_grid = grid.copy() output_grid.values = gridded_values*(self.GM/self.R) output_grid.epoch = self.epoch else: raise NotImplementedError('Propagation to arbitrary point distributions is not yet implemented.') return output_grid