Source code for l3py.kernel

# Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Kvas
# See LICENSE for copyright/license details.

Isotropic harmonic integral kernels.

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import abc
import l3py.utilities

def get_kernel(kernel_name, nmax):
    Return kernel coefficients.

    kernel_name : string
        name of kernel, currently implemented: water height ('ewh', 'water_height'),
        ocean bottom pressure ('obp', 'ocean_bottom_pressure')
    nmax : int
        maximum degree of kernel coefficients

    kernel : Kernel subclass instance
        kernel associated with kernel_name

        if an unrecognized kernel name is passed


    if kernel_name.lower() in ['ewh', 'water_height']:
        inverse_coefficients = l3py.kernel.WaterHeight(nmax)

    elif kernel_name.lower() in ['obp', 'ocean_bottom_pressure']:
        inverse_coefficients = l3py.kernel.OceanBottomPressure(nmax)

    elif kernel_name.lower() in ['potential']:
        inverse_coefficients = l3py.kernel.Potential()

    elif kernel_name.lower() in ['geoid', 'geoid_height']:
        inverse_coefficients = l3py.kernel.GeoidHeight()

        raise ValueError("Unrecognized kernel '{0:s}'.".format(kernel_name))

    return inverse_coefficients

[docs]class Kernel(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base interface for spherical harmonic kernels. Subclasses must implement a method `kn` which depends on degree radius and co-latitude and returns kernel coefficients. """ @abc.abstractmethod def kn(self, r, colat): pass
[docs]class WaterHeight(Kernel): """ Implementation of the water height kernel. Applied to a sequence of potential coefficients, the result is equivalent water height in meters when propagated to space domain. Parameters ---------- nmax : int maximum spherical harmonic degree rho : float density of water in [kg/m**3] """ def __init__(self, nmax, rho=1025): file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename('l3py', 'data/loadLoveNumbers_Gegout97.txt') love_numbers = np.loadtxt(file_name)[0:nmax+1] self.__kn = (2*np.arange(0, nmax+1)+1)/(1+love_numbers[0:nmax+1])/(4*np.pi*6.673e-11*rho)
[docs] def kn(self, n, r=6378136.6, colat=0): """ Kernel coefficient for degree n. Parameters ---------- n : int coefficient degree r : float, array_like shape (m,) radius of evaluation points colat : float, array_like shape (m,) co-latitude of evaluation points in radians Returns ------- kn : float, array_like shape (m,) kernel coefficients for degree n for all evaluation points """ return self.__kn[n]/r
[docs]class OceanBottomPressure(Kernel): """ Implementation of the ocean bottom pressure kernel. Applied to a sequence of potential coefficients, the result is ocean bottom pressure in Pascal when propagated to space domain. Parameters ---------- nmax : int maximum spherical harmonic degree """ def __init__(self, nmax): file_name = pkg_resources.resource_filename('l3py', 'data/loadLoveNumbers_Gegout97.txt') love_numbers = np.loadtxt(file_name)[0:nmax+1] self.__kn = (2 * np.arange(0, nmax + 1) + 1) / (1 + love_numbers[0:nmax + 1]) / (4 * np.pi * 6.673e-11)
[docs] def kn(self, n, r=6378136.6, colat=0): """ Kernel coefficient for degree n. Parameters ---------- n : int coefficient degree r : float, array_like shape (m,) radius of evaluation points colat : float, array_like shape (m,) co-latitude of evaluation points in radians Returns ------- kn : float, array_like shape (m,) kernel coefficients for degree n for all evaluation points """ return self.__kn[n]/r*l3py.utilities.normal_gravity(r, colat)
[docs]class Potential(Kernel): """ Implementation of the Poisson kernel (disturbing potential). """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def kn(self, n, r=6378136.6, colat=0): """ Kernel coefficient for degree n. Parameters ---------- n : int coefficient degree r : float, array_like shape (m,) radius of evaluation points colat : float, array_like shape (m,) co-latitude of evaluation points in radians Returns ------- kn : float, array_like shape (m,) kernel coefficients for degree n for all evaluation points """ count = max(np.asarray(r).size, np.asarray(colat).size) return np.ones(count)
[docs]class GeoidHeight(Kernel): """ Implementation of the geoid height kernel (disturbing potential divided by normal gravity). """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def kn(self, n, r=6378136.6, colat=0): """ Kernel coefficient for degree n. Parameters ---------- n : int coefficient degree r : float, array_like shape (m,) radius of evaluation points colat : float, array_like shape (m,) co-latitude of evaluation points in radians Returns ------- kn : float, array_like shape (m,) kernel coefficients for degree n for all evaluation points """ return l3py.utilities.normal_gravity(r, colat)**-1