
Point distributions on the ellipsoid.

grid.ellipsoidal_distance(lat1, lon2, lat2, a=6378137.0, f=0.003352810681182319)

Compute the distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) on an ellipsoid with semi-major axis a and flattening f.

  • lon1 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – longitude of source points in radians
  • lat1 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – latitude of source points in radians
  • lon2 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – longitude of target points in radians
  • lat2 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – latitude of target points in radians
  • a (float) – semi-major axis of ellipsoid
  • f (float) – flattening of ellipsoid

d – ellipsoidal distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) in meters

Return type:

ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)


This function uses the approximation formula by Lambert [1] and gives meter level accuracy.


[1]Lambert, W. D (1942). “The distance between two widely separated points on the surface of the earth”. J. Washington Academy of Sciences. 32 (5): 125–130.
grid.spherical_distance(lat1, lon2, lat2, r=6378136.3)

Compute the spherical distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) on a sphere with radius r.

  • lon1 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – longitude of source points in radians
  • lat1 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – latitude of source points in radians
  • lon2 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – longitude of target points in radians
  • lat2 (float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n)) – latitude of target points in radians
  • r (float) – radius of the sphere in meters

d – spherical distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) in meters

Return type:

ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)

grid.winding_number(x, y)

Winding number algorithm for point in polygon tests.

  • polygon (ndarray(k, 2)) – two-column ndarray with longitude/latitude pairs defining the polygon
  • x (ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)) – x-coordinates of points to be tested
  • y (ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)) – y-coordinates of points to be tested

contains – boolean array indicating which point is contained in the polygon

Return type:

ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)

class l3py.grid.Basin(polygons)[source]

Simple class representation of an area enclosed by a polygon boundary, potentially with holes. No sanity checking for potential geometry errors is performed.

Parameters:polygons (ndarray(k, 2) or list of ndarray(k, 2)) – Coordinates defining the basin. Can be either a single two-column ndarray with longitude/latitude pairs for rows, or a list of ndarrays in the same format. Longitude/latitude should be given in radians.


contains_points(lon, lat) Method to check whether points are within the basin bounds.
contains_points(lon, lat)[source]

Method to check whether points are within the basin bounds.

  • lon (float, ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)) – longitude of points to be tested (should be given in radians)
  • lat (float, ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n)) – latitude of points to be tested (should be given in radians)
class l3py.grid.GeographicGrid(dlon=0.5, dlat=0.5, a=6378137.0, f=0.003352810681182319)[source]

Class representation of a (possibly time stampled) global geographic grid defined by step size in longitude and latitude.

The resulting point coordinates are center points of area elements (pixels). This means that for dlon=dlat=1 the lower left coordinate will be (-179.5, -89.5) and the upper right (179.5, 89.5) degrees.

  • dlon (float) – longitudinal step size in degrees
  • dlat (float) – latitudinal step size in degrees
  • a (float) – semi-major axis of ellipsoid
  • f (float) – flattening of ellipsoid


colatitude() Colatitude of the points along a meridian.
copy() Deep copy of GeographicGrid instance.
create_mask(basin) Create a mask (boolean array) for the Geographic grid instance based on a polygon.
mean([mask]) Compute the weighted average of grid points, potentially with a mask.
radius() Geocentric radius of the points along a meridian.

Colatitude of the points along a meridian.


Deep copy of GeographicGrid instance.


Create a mask (boolean array) for the Geographic grid instance based on a polygon.

Parameters:basin (Basin) – Basin instance.
Returns:mask – boolean array of size(nlons, nlats), True for points inside the polygon, False for points outside.
Return type:array_like(m,n)

Compute the weighted average of grid points, potentially with a mask. The individual points are weighted by their area elements.

Parameters:mask (array_like(nlons, nlats), None) – boolean array with the same shape as the value array. If None, all points are averaged.
Returns:mean – weighted mean over all grid points in mask
Return type:float

See also

member function which creates masks from polygons

Geocentric radius of the points along a meridian.

class l3py.grid.Grid[source]

Base interface for point collections.

Subclasses must implement a deep copy, getter for radius and colatitude as well as a method which returns whether the grid is regular (e.g. equiangular geographic coordinates) or an arbitrary point distribution.

