Source code for l3py.grid

# Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Kvas
# See LICENSE for copyright/license details.

Point distributions on the ellipsoid.

import numpy as np
import abc
import l3py.utilities

[docs]class Grid(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base interface for point collections. Subclasses must implement a deep copy, getter for radius and colatitude as well as a method which returns whether the grid is regular (e.g. equiangular geographic coordinates) or an arbitrary point distribution. """ @abc.abstractmethod def copy(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def radius(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def colatitude(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def is_regular(self): pass
[docs]class GeographicGrid(Grid): """ Class representation of a (possibly time stampled) global geographic grid defined by step size in longitude and latitude. The resulting point coordinates are center points of area elements (pixels). This means that for `dlon=dlat=1` the lower left coordinate will be (-179.5, -89.5) and the upper right (179.5, 89.5) degrees. Parameters ---------- dlon : float longitudinal step size in degrees dlat : float latitudinal step size in degrees a : float semi-major axis of ellipsoid f : float flattening of ellipsoid """ def __init__(self, dlon=0.5, dlat=0.5, a=6378137.0, f=298.2572221010**-1): nlons = 360 / dlon nlats = 180 / dlat self.lons = np.linspace(-np.pi+dlon/180*np.pi * 0.5, np.pi-dlon/180*np.pi*0.5, int(nlons)) self.lats = -np.linspace(-np.pi*0.5 + dlat/180*np.pi * 0.5, np.pi*0.5 - dlat/180*np.pi*0.5, int(nlats)) self.__ellipsoid = (a, a*(1-f)) self.values = np.empty((0, 0)) self.epoch = None self.__area = 2.0*dlon/180*np.pi*np.sin(dlat*0.5/180*np.pi)*np.cos(self.lats) def __flattening(self): """Compute flattening of the ellipsoid.""" return 1-self.__ellipsoid[1]/self.__ellipsoid[0]
[docs] def copy(self): """Deep copy of GeographicGrid instance.""" grid = GeographicGrid(a=self.__ellipsoid[0], f=(self.__ellipsoid[0]-self.__ellipsoid[1])/self.__ellipsoid[0]) grid.lons = self.lons.copy() grid.lats = self.lats.copy() grid.values = self.values.copy() grid.epoch = self.epoch return grid
[docs] def radius(self): """Geocentric radius of the points along a meridian.""" return l3py.utilities.geocentric_radius(self.lats, self.__ellipsoid[0], self.__flattening())
[docs] def colatitude(self): """Colatitude of the points along a meridian.""" return l3py.utilities.colatitude(self.lats, self.__ellipsoid[0], self.__flattening())
def is_regular(self): return True
[docs] def mean(self, mask=None): """ Compute the weighted average of grid points, potentially with a mask. The individual points are weighted by their area elements. Parameters ---------- mask : array_like(nlons, nlats), None boolean array with the same shape as the value array. If None, all points are averaged. Returns ------- mean : float weighted mean over all grid points in mask See Also -------- l3py.grid.GeographicGrid.create_mask : member function which creates masks from polygons """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones((self.lats.size, self.lons.size), dtype=bool) areas = np.tile(self.__area[:, np.newaxis], (1, self.lons.size))[mask] return np.sum(areas*self.values[mask])/np.sum(areas)
[docs] def create_mask(self, basin): """ Create a mask (boolean array) for the Geographic grid instance based on a polygon. Parameters ---------- basin : Basin Basin instance. Returns ------- mask : array_like(m,n) boolean array of size(nlons, nlats), True for points inside the polygon, False for points outside. """ lons, lats = np.meshgrid(self.lons, self.lats) return basin.contains_points(lons, lats)
[docs]class Basin: """ Simple class representation of an area enclosed by a polygon boundary, potentially with holes. No sanity checking for potential geometry errors is performed. Parameters ---------- polygons : ndarray(k, 2) or list of ndarray(k, 2) Coordinates defining the basin. Can be either a single two-column ndarray with longitude/latitude pairs for rows, or a list of ndarrays in the same format. Longitude/latitude should be given in radians. """ def __init__(self, polygons): if isinstance(polygons, np.ndarray): self.__polygons = polygons, else: self.__polygons = polygons
[docs] def contains_points(self, lon, lat): """ Method to check whether points are within the basin bounds. Parameters ---------- lon : float, ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) longitude of points to be tested (should be given in radians) lat : float, ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) latitude of points to be tested (should be given in radians) """ lon = np.atleast_1d(lon) lat = np.atleast_1d(lat) wn = np.zeros(lon.shape if lat.size == 1 else lat.shape, dtype=int) for polygon in self.__polygons: wn += winding_number(polygon, lon, lat) return np.mod(wn, 2).astype(bool)
def winding_number(polygon, x, y): """ Winding number algorithm for point in polygon tests. Parameters ---------- polygon : ndarray(k, 2) two-column ndarray with longitude/latitude pairs defining the polygon x : ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) x-coordinates of points to be tested y : ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) y-coordinates of points to be tested Returns ------- contains : ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) boolean array indicating which point is contained in the polygon """ coords = polygon if np.any(polygon[0] != polygon[-1]): coords = np.append(polygon, polygon[0][np.newaxis, :], axis=0) wn = np.zeros(x.shape if y.size == 1 else y.shape, dtype=int) for p0, p1 in zip(coords[0:-1], coords[1:]): l1 = p0[1] <= y l2 = p1[1] > y loc_to_edge = (p1[0] - p0[0]) * (y - p0[1]) - (x - p0[0]) * (p1[1] - p0[1]) wn[np.logical_and(np.logical_and(l1, l2), loc_to_edge > 0)] += 1 wn[np.logical_and(np.logical_and(~l1, ~l2), loc_to_edge < 0)] -= 1 return wn != 0 def spherical_distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, r=6378136.3): """ Compute the spherical distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) on a sphere with radius r. Parameters ---------- lon1 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) longitude of source points in radians lat1 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) latitude of source points in radians lon2 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) longitude of target points in radians lat2 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) latitude of target points in radians r : float radius of the sphere in meters Returns ------- d : ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) spherical distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) in meters """ return r*np.arccos(np.sin(lat1) * np.sin(lat2) + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.cos(lon2 - lon1)) def ellipsoidal_distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, a=6378137.0, f=298.2572221010**-1): """ Compute the distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) on an ellipsoid with semi-major axis a and flattening f. Parameters ---------- lon1 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) longitude of source points in radians lat1 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) latitude of source points in radians lon2 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) longitude of target points in radians lat2 : float, array_like(m,), array_like(m,n) latitude of target points in radians a : float semi-major axis of ellipsoid f : float flattening of ellipsoid Returns ------- d : ndarray(m,), ndarray(m,n) ellipsoidal distance between points (lon1, lat1) and (lon2, lat2) in meters Notes ----- This function uses the approximation formula by Lambert [1]_ and gives meter level accuracy. References ---------- .. [1] Lambert, W. D (1942). "The distance between two widely separated points on the surface of the earth". J. Washington Academy of Sciences. 32 (5): 125–130. """ beta1 = np.arctan((1 - f) * np.tan(lat1)) beta2 = np.arctan((1 - f) * np.tan(lat2)) sigma = spherical_distance(lon1, beta1, lon2, beta2, r=1) P = (beta1 + beta2) * 0.5 Q = (beta2 - beta1) * 0.5 X = (sigma - np.sin(sigma)) * ((np.sin(P) * np.cos(Q)) / np.cos(sigma*0.5))**2 Y = (sigma + np.sin(sigma)) * ((np.cos(P) * np.sin(Q)) / np.sin(sigma*0.5))**2 return a * (sigma - 0.5 * f * (X + Y))